A Narrative History
The first American Legion in League City was issued a temporary charter on March 20, 1932 under the leadership of Commander Leslie Ryan Scott. A permanent charter was never issued and the group lost their temporary charter in 1940.
In 1947, a group of young men, some of whom were Legionnaires from other states and communities, saw a need to "get involved" and help each other and their community, and the surrounding neighborhoods. These World War II veterans, some twenty five men, bound together to apply for membership in the American Legion. They met in private home, city businesses, and civic buildings for nearly a year before applying for a charter on April 7, 1947. League City Post 554 had begun.
Fifteen members signed the charter application, with William B. Haley as the first commander and Anthony Meyer Jr. the first Adjutant. The membership increased to 187. Mr. Lee Roy Bauer sent out penny postcards monthly to inform the members of meetings and to update them on Post news and functions. Dues were $3.00 per year.
In 1948, League City Post 554 took over the League City Village Fair, a major community event, from the Odd Fellows Lodge. With the help of the community businesses and organizations, Chairman Bill Haley and the Legion members enjoyed great success. Eventually, the Fair function was turned over to the Lions Club as it remains today. Also in 1948, under the direction of Committee Chairman H.V. Hood, the school award and medal program was organized, and Post 554 sent the first group of high school juniors to Boys State. The men formed their own Color Guard which marched as a Post Unit in parades and participated in many community functions. The men sponsored a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout Troop with Elmore "Dink" Blanchard as Chairman. The men provided transportation to and from scout camp, most of the camp gear that was needed, and many times the men had to go camping with the troop.
Under Commander Percy J. Bergeron, American Legion Junior Baseball was sponsored by Post 554 in June 1949. The team was coached by Houston Hicks and Dink Blanchard. They had no uniforms and no field of their own on which to play. They practiced at the League City Elementary School.
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